Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Using Watin to download files automatically

When using Watin, you can click on a link automatically or goto a download URL and save a file automatically using something similar to:

FileDownloadHandler fileDownloadHandler = new   FileDownloadHandler(featureCode2AnnouncementWavPath);browser.AddDialogHandler("file.zip");
browser.GoTo("http://www.mydomain.com/file.zip"); // OR: browser.Link(Find.ByID("download_button")).Click();

But IE will give you typically a notification bar warning of the type :
"IE has blocked site from downloading files to my computer" and then Watin will not download the file.

The only solution for IE8 that I found for this is to edit the registry and disable this prompting:

               Internet Explorer
                                   iexplore.exe = 0x00000000

currently, i manage to save a file using this method, but for some reason the code stops after clicking the save button and then times out with an exception:

 "Timeout while Internet Explorer state not complete"

I will update if i ever manage to solve this issue (it currently went down in priority)

1 comment:

  1. Please try this:
    1/ tool--> Internet options--> Security tab--> trusted sites--> Sites --> Add your site to the list
    2/ Turn off pop up blocker (I don't think step 2 even needed)
    I did not have to change the registry.


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